Course Code Directory (CCD) & Instructional Personnel Assignments
(State Board of Education Rule 6A-1.09441)
What is the Course Code Directory?
The Course Code Directory (CCD) is a comprehensive information resource consisting of a narrative section that provides general and in-depth information on applicable laws and State Board of Education rules; explanations of requirements and policies pertaining to multiple topics, and details on the PreK-12 course numbering system. Additionally, all programs and courses funded through the Florida Education Finance Program (FEFP) and courses or programs for which students may earn credit toward high school graduation are included in this document.
The CCD assists counselors, students and parents in schedule planning, provides course specific information including course level and length, and lists appropriate educator certification levels for courses. It allows schools, districts, and the state to identify courses by specific course number, thereby providing analogous information across various levels of administration and consistency in reporting.
The course code numbers are essential in the collection of information for use by decision-makers in the following areas:
- Program planning and evaluation at the state level;
- Cost reporting at the school, district, and postsecondary levels;
- Course identification at the school, district, postsecondary, and state levels;
- Provision of information to local, state, and federal education and legislative agencies; and
- Fiscal and program audits.
Schools, districts, and postsecondary personnel use the CCD when:
- 1.Scheduling students into any PreK-12 course, adult general education course, or postsecondary career and technical education course;
- Aggregating student assignments for course data;
- Identifying courses which may be used to fulfill graduation and program completion requirements; and
- Determining appropriate educator certification for specified courses.
CPALMS (Collaborate Plan Align Learn Motivate Share) serves as Florida's official source for standards information and course descriptions, and contains data from the CCD. It is an online toolbox of information, resources and interactive tools for Florida educators to support instruction aligned to the Florida Standards.
New Course Requests
The Department uses an electronic course request and review application, available through and the iCPALMS platform. This system allows for courses to be built within the application, using the department's format for course descriptions and state standards approved by the State Board of Education. Interested districts can request login access to the Course Request application on iCPALMS by contacting with a CPALMS account username and/or registered email address, along with the school district represented, and job/position title.
Once a course has been developed using the iCPALMS Course Request application, please also submit a Request to Add a New Course form (below), and send it along with evidence of school board approval to for electronic record-keeping and review.
- Request to Add a New Course (Word)
If you have any questions relating to the CCD or course submission process, please contact 850-245-0427 or