Performance-Based Exit Option
This alternative route to graduation for eligible students who may not graduate with their cohort group because of credit deficiency, low grade point average or being overage for the grade. The program is not an option for early exit; it is designed to help students who fall behind graduate with their kindergarten cohorts and receive a State of Florida High School Performance-Based Diploma.
- Performance-Based Exit Option Administrative Rule
- Form of High Schools Diploma Administrative Rule
- Performance-Based Exit Option Application Instructions (PDF)
- Performance-Based Exit Option Application (PDF)
- Performance-Based Exit Option Application (Word)
Teenage Parent Programs
Teenage Parent (TAP) Programs are designed for students who are pregnant or parenting. TAP programs offer regular academic classes so students can continue their educational program in addition to providing classes in child growth and development, nutrition, and parenting skills. Auxiliary services, which include health services, social services, childcare, and transportation, designed to meet the special needs of pregnant or parenting students and their children are provided.
Teenage Parent Program Manual (PDF)
Educational Alternatives Programs
Educational Alternatives Programs are designed for students who are unmotivated or unsuccessful in the traditional school setting. Students are identified as potential dropouts based on criteria such as retained in grade, high absenteeism, failing grades, or low scores on statewide assessments.
Disciplinary Programs
Disciplinary Programs are designed to provide interventions for students who are disruptive in the regular school environment. These programs provide positive alternatives to out-of-school suspension and expulsion.