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CTE Quality
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CTE Audit Overview

On January 30, 2019, Executive Order 19-31 charted a course for Florida to become number 1 in the nation for workforce education by 2030. Following this order and with the guidelines outlined in section (s.) 1003.491(5), Florida Statutes (F.S.), the Commissioner of Education directed the Department to develop a process to annually assess CTE program offerings throughout the state. This led to the inception of Florida’s annual CTE Audit, which evaluates CTE program quality and labor market demand to ensure that Florida's CTE programs are high-performing and align with the state's economic and workforce priorities.

Secondary and postsecondary CTE programs are audited against the following measures and targets. For additional information on how each metric is evaluated, please visit the CTE Audit Data and Reports webpage.

CTE Audit Rule

Rule 6A-10.0342 – Career and Technical Education Program Quality Audit

CTE Program Metrics & Targets

Secondary and Postsecondary CTE Program Metrics & Targets (PDF)