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Broward College Hosts “Chat with the Chancellor”

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

DOE Press Office

Broward College Hosts “Chat with the Chancellor”

~ Florida College System Chancellor Randy Hanna meets with students ~

Fort Lauderdale, Fla., September 24, 2014 – Florida College System Chancellor Randy Hanna held the first in a series of “Chat with the Chancellor” events at Broward College in Fort Lauderdale last week. Designed to engage students regarding their paths toward success, Chancellor Hanna and Broward College President David Armstrong spoke with students from three different college campuses.

The objective of the “Chat with the Chancellor” series is to provide small group settings for students in the Florida College System where they can offer insight about the challenges and opportunities they have experienced while in pursuit of their education. Local business leaders will also participate in these hour and a half programs, providing students with job placement and career advice.

Chancellor Hanna said, “I’m encouraged by the success of our first chat in the “Chat with the Chancellor” series. Broward College students are focused on their educational outcomes and careers, and it was a great opportunity to hear concerns and gather feedback directly from the students. I look forward to meeting with students all across the state over the next several months.”

During the program, President Armstrong advised students to continue to share their comments and concerns once the “Chat” was over. “We need your feedback!” said Armstrong. “One way is to evaluate your professors. I encourage you to give good feedback when you have a good professor. However, if someone hasn’t done a good job then you need to share that as well. We take your evaluations seriously.”

The lessons learned during the “Chats” throughout the course of the coming months will be combined and shared during Florida College System Month in April.

John Benz, Chair of the Broward College District Board of Trustees and Senior Vice President and Chief Strategic Officer of Memorial Healthcare System, also joined the group to discuss workforce readiness and the importance of degree completion. Chair Benz offered his advice to the students:

“I expect my college and business to be on the same page,” Benz stated. “I know you will be talented and technically competent. I also want students who are energetic and engaged. I want you to be a sponge, ready to work. But also, don’t let me shove your ideas away. I want to hear from you. The person who is going to hire you is looking for a spark in your eye. Never suppress your heart or your intellect.”

Alex Corso, a college ambassador and member of Broward College’s Student Government Association who attended the “Chat” stated, "I applaud Broward College for opening a lot of doors for me. They pulled me into student-life activities and I don't think I would have been successful in my classes if I hadn't been involved. I even found my major through this process."

Florida’s colleges remain the primary point of access to higher education in Florida, with 66 percent of the state’s high school graduates pursuing postsecondary education beginning at a Florida college, and 82 percent of freshman and sophomore minority students in public higher education attending one of Florida’s 28 colleges.

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