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Two Florida School Districts Excel in National Assessment

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

DOE Press Office 850-245-0413

Two Florida School Districts Excel in National Assessment

~ Hillsborough and Miami-Dade participate with 19 other urban districts ~

Tallahassee, Fla., December 18, 2013 - Results released today on the 2013 National Assessment of Educational Progress Trial Urban District Assessment (TUDA) show that in reading, Hillsborough's 4th and 8th graders outscored 19 of the other participating districts and the average for large cities nationally, and Miami-Dade's 4th graders scored significantly higher than 16 other nationally-participating districts and higher than the average for large cities. In mathematics, Miami-Dade's 4th graders scored significantly higher than 12 participating districts and the average for large cities, and Hillsborough's 4th graders scored significantly higher than 17 other districts and the average for large cities.

The TUDA assessment program focuses on urban education and measures educational progress within large urban school districts. Florida has two districts participating in TUDA - Hillsborough (Tampa) and Miami-Dade; 21 districts and 75 large cities participated nationally in the TUDA program in 2013.

Governor Rick Scott said, "With Hillsborough and Miami Dade students far outpacing other urban districts across the country, it's clear that our teachers and schools are continuing to succeed. It is positive results like today's news that demonstrate why it was so important to fight for teacher pay raises. This is just the latest in a number of national comparisons that demonstrate our teachers and schools are helping to make Florida the nation's best place to pursue the American Dream."

"I commend the teachers, students, parents and education leaders in both Miami-Dade and Hillsborough for their exceptional dedication and commitment to student success," said Commissioner of Education Pam Stewart. "The TUDA results released today show that their focus is on ensuring their students receive a high-quality education that prepares them for college and careers,"

Hillsborough County Schools Superintendent MaryEllen Elia said, "The NAEP scores are the best data available for making valid comparisons, so it's very gratifying to see our students performing at the highest levels compared to their peers in many of the nation's largest school districts. It's great to see our hard work paying off. The students, their teachers, and their parents should be very proud."

Miami-Dade County Schools Superintendent Alberto M. Carvalho said, "This is powerful information that shows our students are outperforming their counterparts in the largest urban school districts in the nation. We are proud of their achievement, yet we know that there is much more work to be done."

Selected highlights of the 2013 TUDA results are below.


  • The percentage of 4th grade students in both Hillsborough and Miami-Dade scoring at or above Basic and at or above Proficient in reading is higher than the percentage for large cities nationally.
  • Hillsborough and Miami-Dade 4th grade students' average scale scores in reading - 243 and 237 respectively - are significantly higher than the national average for large cities in the following subgroups: African-American, Hispanic, National School Lunch Program, Students with Disabilities and English Language Learners.
  • Hillsborough's 8th graders also led the nation in reading with an average scale score of 267, a significantly higher score than 19 of the other participating districts and the average for large cities.
  • The percentage of Hillsborough's 8th grade students scoring at or above Basic and at or above Proficient is higher in reading than the percentage for large cities nationally.
  • Both Miami-Dade and Hillsborough's average scale scores in reading for 8th graders are significantly higher than the average for large cities nationally in the following subgroups: Hispanic, National School Lunch Program and Students with Disabilities.
  • Hillsborough's 4th grade average scale score of 243 in mathematics is significantly higher than the average for large cities nationally in the following subgroups: Hispanic, National School Lunch Program and Students with Disabilities.
  • The average scale score of 284 in mathematics for Hillsborough's 8th graders is significantly higher than 16 participating districts nationally.
  • The average scale score of 238 in mathematics for Miami-Dade's Hispanic 4th graders is significantly higher than 15 participating districts nationally.
  • The percentage of Hillsborough's 4th grade students scoring at or above Basic and at or above Proficient in mathematics is higher than the percentage for large cities nationwide.
  • The percentage of Hillsborough's 8th graders scoring at or above Basic and at or above Proficient in mathematics is higher than the average score for large cities nationally.
  • The percentage of Miami-Dade's Hispanic 4th grade students scoring at or above Basic and at or above Proficient in mathematics is higher than 13 and 14 participating districts nationally, respectively.

For more information about the 2013 TUDA results, visit National Assessment of Educational Progress.

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