2020-2021 Adoption Year: K-12 English Language Arts
- 2020-2021 ELA Instructional Materials Adoption List (PDF) Updated: 9/29/2021
- 2020-2021 Draft Short Bid Report (PDF) Updated: 12/14/2020 This document contains the Bids in consideration submitted in response to the K-12 English Language Arts (ELA) call for bids due Sept. 15, 2020.
- 2020-2021 Detailed bids by Category-Updated Pricing Updated: 3/26/2021
- 2020-2021 Detailed bids by Category
- 2020-2021 Instructional Materials Publisher Contact List (PDF) Updated 10/5/2021
- Announcement of the 2020-21 Instructional Materials Adoption (PDF)
- 2020-2021 Instructional Materials ELA Adoption Timeline and Publisher Checklist (PDF)
- 2020-2021 K-12 English Language Arts (ELA) Specifications (PDF)
- K-5 Topic Coverage Charts (PDF)
- K-5 Topic Coverage Correlation (Excel)
- K-5 50/50 Split Correlation (Excel)
- K-12 1/3 Sample Book List Correlation (Excel)
- K-12 Evidence that benchmarks are not taught in isolation Correlation (Excel)
- Science of Reading for K-5 ELA Rubric (PDF)
- Core Questions Rubric (PDF)
2019-2020 Adoption Year: (World Languages, Career & Technical Education (CTE) and Computer Science)
- 2019-2020 Adopted Instructional Materials (PDF) Updated: 12/14/2020
- To access evaluations for the 2019-2020 state adopted instructional materials, please visit and choose the "Adopted Materials" tab.
- 2019-2020 Detailed Bid Reports By Category
- K-12 World Languages (PDF)
- K-12 Computer Science (PDF)
- 9-12 Career & Technical Education (PDF)
- 2019-2020 Draft Short Bid Report (Excel) Updated: 11/14/2019
- Florida Instructional Materials Adoption Portal
- Enrollment data for World Languages, CTE, and Computer Science Courses (PDF)
- 2019-2020 Instructional Materials Publisher Contact List (PDF) - Updated
- 2019-2020 Instructional Materials Adoption WL, CTE, CS Publisher Checklist (PDF)
- Policies and Procedures Specifications for the Florida 2019-2020 Instructional Materials Adoption (PDF)
- 2019-2020 Instructional Materials Adoption Announcement Course Call List (PDF)
- 2019-2020 Instructional Materials Adoption Specifications (PDF)
2017-2018 Adoption Year: (Science)
- 2017-2018 Adopted Instructional Materials (UPDATED December 2018) (PDF)
- 2017-2018 Adopted Instructional Materials (PDF)
- 2017-2018 Instructional Materials Evaluations
- 2017-2018 Detailed Bid Reports July 28, 2017
- Updated 2017-2018 Short Bid Report January 30, 2018 (PDF)
- 2017-18 Publisher Contact List (PDF)
- 2017-18 Publisher Assessment Fees (PDF)
- 2017-18 Instructional Materials Adoption Announcement (PDF)
- 2017-18 Instructional Materials Adoption Announcement Course Call List (PDF)
- 2017-2018 Instructional Materials Adoption Publisher Checklist (PDF)
- 2017-2018 Specifications (PDF)
- Policies and Procedures Specifications for the Florida Instructional Materials Adoption (PDF)
- Enrollment data for Science Courses (PDF)
- Statewide Science Assessment
2017-2018 Extension (Science)
2016-2017 Adoption Year: (Social Studies)
- 2016-2017 Adopted Instructional Materials (Updated February 20, 2018) (PDF)
- 2016-2017 Instructional Materials Evaluations
- 2016-2017 Final Detailed Bid Reports February 20, 2018
- 2016-2017 Draft Short Bid Report July 13, 2016 (PDF)
- 2016-2017 Publisher Contact List (PDF)
- 2016-2017 Instructional Materials Adoption Announcement (PDF)
- 2016-2017 Instructional Materials Adoption Announcement Course Call List (PDF)
- 2016-2017 Instructional Materials Adoption Publisher Checklist (PDF)
- 2016-2017 Specifications (PDF)
- Policies and Procedures Specifications for the Florida Instructional Materials Adoption (PDF)
- Enrollment for Social Studies Courses (2014-15) (PDF)
- End-of-Course (EOC) Assessments
- Call for Social Studies Reviewers (PDF)
2015-2016 Adoption Year:
(Career and Technical Education/Arts, AV Technology & Communication; Business Management & Administration; Engineering & Technology Education; IT; Health Science; Transportation, Distribution & Logistics 6-12, Health/PE K-8, Music, Dance, Theatre, Visual Art K-12 and World Languages K-12)
- Updated 2015-2016 Adopted Instructional Materials February 15, 2017 (PDF)
- 2015-2016 Adopted Instructional Materials July 12, 2016 (PDF)
- 2015-2016 Instructional Materials Evaluations
- 2015-2016 Draft Detailed Bids By Category
- 2015-2016 Draft Short Bid Report June 24, 2015 (PDF)
- 2015-2016 Specifications:
- Music, Dance, Theatre, Visual Art K-12 Specifications (PDF)
- Health/PE K-8 Specifications (PDF)
- World Languages K-12 Specifications (PDF)
- Career and Technical Education
- Architecture and Construction (PDF)
- Arts & AV (PDF)
- Business (PDF)
- Education and Training (PDF)
- Energy (PDF)
- Engineering & Technology (PDF)
- Finance (PDF)
- Government and Public Administration (PDF)
- Health Science (PDF)
- Hospitality and Tourism (PDF)
- Human Services (PDF)
- Information Technology (PDF)
- Law and Public Safety (PDF)
- Manufacturing (PDF)
- Marketing (PDF)
- Transportation (PDF)
- 2015-2016 Announcement (PDF)
- 2015-2016 Course Call (PDF)
- 2015-2016 Policies and Procedures for the Florida Instructional Materials Adoption (PDF)
- Publisher Requirements Checklist for Participation in the 2015-2016 Instructional Materials Adoption (PDF)
- 2015-2016 Publisher Contact List (PDF)
- 2015-2016 Florida Instructional Materials Assessment Fees (PDF)
2014-2015 Adoption Year (Career and Technical Education/Agriculture 9-12, ESOL, Health/PE 9-12, World Languages K-12)
- Final 2014-2015 Adopted Instructional Materials January 28, 2016 (PDF)
- Updated 2014-2015 Adopted Instructional Materials December 09, 2015 (PDF)
- 2014-2015 Adopted Instructional Materials - Standards Alignment Summary (PDF)
- 2014-2015 Adopted Instructional Materials September 18, 2015 (PDF)
- 2014-2015 Draft Detailed Bids by Category (PDF)
- 2014-2015 Draft Short Bid Report June 17, 2014 (PDF)
- Announcement (PDF)
- 2014-2015 Course Call (PDF)
- 2014-2015 Specifications
- Career and Technical Education/Agriculture 6-12 (PDF)
- Health/PE 9-12 (PDF)
- World Languages K-12 (PDF)
- Publisher's Requirements Checklist for Participation in the 2014-2015 Instructional Materials Adoption (PDF)
- 2014-2015 Policies and Procedures for the Florida Instructional Materials Adoption (PDF)
- 2014-2015 Publisher Contact List (PDF)
- 2014-2015 Florida Instructional Materials Assessment Fees (PDF)
2013-2014 Adoption Year (6-12 Reading/ Language Arts and 6-12 Mathematics)
- Updated 2013-2014 Mathematics Adopted Instructional Materials June 30, 2015 (PDF)
- Updated 2013-2014 Mathematics Adopted Instructional Materials December 18, 2014 (PDF)
- Updated 2013-2014 ELA Adopted Instructional Materials August 19, 2014 (PDF)
- Amendment to Bid Review for 2013-2014 Mathematics Adoption (PDF)
- Intensive Writing Course Description (PDF)
- 2013-2014 Draft Detailed Bids by Category
- 2013-2014 Draft Short Bid Report June 19, 2013 (PDF) This document contains the Bids submitted in response to the 6-12 Mathematics and 6-12 Reading/Language Arts call for bids.
- Amended Course Call for 2013-2014 English Language Arts Adoption - ESOL and Electives (PDF)
- Announcement (PDF)
- 2013-14 Course Call (PDF)
- 2013-14 Mathematics Specifications (PDF)
- 2013-14 Reading/ Language Arts Specifications
- 2013-2014 Policies and Procedures for the Florida Instructional Materials Adoption (DRAFT) (PDF): This is a draft of the 2013-14 Policies and Procedures and is pending review and approval by the Commissioner of Education and the State Board of Education.
- Publisher's Requirements Checklist for Participation in the 2013-2014 Instructional Materials Adoption - Updated as of April 26th, 2013 (PDF): This document contains the dates and requirements for publishers participating in the 2013-14 instructional materials adoption.
- 2013-2014 Publisher Contact List (PDF)
2012-2013 Adoption Year (K-5 Reading, Writing, Listening, Speaking, and Language Education and K-5 Mathematics)
- 2012-2013 Adopted Instructional Materials (PDF) Updated 6/13/2013
- 2013 Instructional Materials Planned Purchases Reporting Tool: (Excel) This link will access the 2013 State-Adopted Instructional Materials List for Districts to report their planned instructional materials purchases.
- Announcement (PDF)
- K-5 Reading, Writing, Listening, Speaking, and Language Education Specifications (PDF) Revised 1/26/2012
- K-5 Mathematics Specifications (PDF)
- 2012-2013 Draft Short Bid Report May 10 2012 (PDF) This document contains the Bids submitted in response to the K-5 Mathematics and K-5 Reading, Writing, Listening, Speaking, and Language Education calls for bids.
- 2012-2013 Draft Detailed Bids by Category
- 2012-2013 Publisher Contact List (PDF)
2011-2012 Adoption Year (Social Studies)
- Specifications (PDF)
- Adopted Instructional Materials (PDF) (2/22/2012)
- Announcement (PDF)
- Detailed Bid List (PDF)
- Short Bid List By Category (PDF)
2010-2011 Adoption Year (Science)
- Adopted Instructional Materials (PDF) (Updated 4/7/2011)
- Announcement (PDF)
Specifications 2010-2011 Adoption
- Science K-12 (PDF)
- Addendum Science K-12 (PDF)
- Frequently Asked Questions (PDF)
2009-2010 Adoption Year (Mathematics)
- Adopted Instructional Materials (PDF)
- State Instructional Materials Committees’ Report
- Publisher Registration (Excel)
- Announcement (PDF)
2008-2009 Adoption Year (Language Arts, ESOL, Music)
- Specifications (PDF)
- Adopted Instructional Materials (PDF)
- State Instructional Materials Committees’ Report (PDF)
- Publisher Contact List (PDF)
- Publisher Contact List (Excel)
- Fall Adoption Meeting Information (PDF)
2007-2008 Adoption Year (Reading)
- Specifications (PDF)
- Adopted Instructional Materials (PDF)
- State Instructional Materials Committees' Report (PDF)
- Publisher Contact List (PDF)
- Publisher Contact List (Excel)
- Fall Adoption Meeting Information (PDF)
- Announcement (PDF)
2006-2007 Adoption Year (World Languages, Visual Arts, Health/PE, Workforce Education)
- Specifications (PDF)
- Adopted Instructional Materials (PDF)
- State Instructional Materials Committees' Report (PDF)
- Publisher Contact List (PDF)
- Publisher Contact List (Excel)
- Adoption Meeting Dates (PDF)
- Announcement (PDF)