Farmworker Career Development Program
About Us
The Florida Department of Education Farmworker Career Development Program (FCDP) is funded through the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, Section 167, by the United States Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration. The purpose of the FCDP is to provide career services and appropriate training leading to year-round, unsubsidized employment to eligible migrant and seasonal farmworkers and to provide emergency stabilization services such as food, rent, etc. to those who choose to stay in farm work.
The program makes available pesticide safety and heat stress prevention training to eligible farmworkers and supportive services to overcome educational and employment acquisition barriers. It is the intent and vision of the FCDP to provide educational and supportive services to chronically unemployed and underemployed farmworkers to obtain the career-related education needed to prepare to enter or advance in the workforce; prepare their children for success in school; and have the economic stability to exercise their rights as citizens in their communities.
Eligible farmworkers must meet US DOL criteria for being "low income," prove a history of farm work, have legal status in the United States, and be authorized by competent authority to work in the United States. Most program participants are Florida home-based farmworkers and reside in the state year-round. Florida's Farmworker Career Development Program is implemented through sub-recipient agencies located in highly populated farmworker communities. These are local direct service providers non-profit agencies, county governments, state and community colleges, technical centers, and school districts.
2024-25 Policy Memorandums
2024-25 FCDP Virtual Conference Materials
- FCDP Fiscal Management and Expectations (PDF)
- FCDP Monitoring (PDF)
- FCDP Pesticide Presentation (PDF)
- FCDP Eligibility Worksheet A (PDF)
- FCDP Eligibility Worksheet B (PDF)
2022 Policy Memorandum
2020 Policy Memorandums
- Memorandum Policy No. 20-03 Scanned Documents in Employ Florida (PDF)
- Service Codes Memo Policy No. 20-02 (PDF)
- IEP Policy 20-01 (PDF)
2017 Policy Memorandums
2014 Policy Memorandums
2013 Policy Memorandums
Monitoring Policies, Procedures and Protocols
Purpose of Monitoring
The purpose of monitoring is to identify the specific areas in which a provider is in compliance or non-compliance with federal law and regulations, state statutes and rules, and OMB Circulars. The timely identification of non-compliance provides a framework to make changes that are expected to result in programs becoming more efficient and effective. However, a comprehensive and multi-dimensional Quality Assurance System is a foundation for continuous improvement of services and systems both internally and externally. Our commitment to excellence supports accountability, collaboration, targeted technical assistance, continuous improvement and positive systemic change.
Risk-Based Monitoring
Risk assessment is a process used to evaluate variables associated with workforce education grants and assign a rating for the level of risk to the Florida Department of Education and the Division of Career and Adult Education associated with each provider. The risk assessment is conducted by the Quality Assurance Team to determine the monitoring strategy appropriate for each provider. A range of monitoring strategies includes conference calls, improvement plans, full or partial self-assessment, grant reviews, etc., with the more comprehensive strategy such as an onsite visit, designated for providers deemed to be at higher risk.
Protocols have been developed for Farmworker Career Development Program and their fiscal components. The protocols include interview questions aligned with the regulatory requirements; forms and checklists to be used for the on-site visits and other monitoring strategies are included; additional documents addressing the individual processes have also been developed.
FCDP Monitoring Resources
As deemed necessary by the United States Department of Labor/Employment and Training Administration, on-site monitoring of FCDP direct service providers is completed on an annual basis that addresses areas of compliance including special investigations of specific grant awards. Collaboration and cooperation with Grants Management, the Inspector General's office, the Comptroller's office and others, as appropriate, is fundamental to the success of the Quality Assurance System.
Additional Resources
- NFJP Program Guide (PDF)
- WIOA 167 Eligibility Manual Part 1 (PDF)
- WIOA 167 Eligibility Manual Part 2 (PDF)
- WIOA 167 Eligibility Manual Part 3 (PDF)
- Apprenticeship Information and Opportunities
- Career-Related Electronic Tools (PDF)
- Helpful Web Sites
- Green Book
- Red Book
- DOE 599 (Excel)
- DOE 101S (Excel)
- Uniform Guidance
- 2 C.F.R 200: Uniform Guidance (PDF)
- Frequently Asked Questions (PDF)
- Uniform Guidance Administrative Requirements Text Comparison (PDF)
- Uniform Guidance Audit Requirements Comparison Chart (PDF)
- Uniform Guidance Cost Principle Requirements Text Comparison (PDF)
- Uniform Guidance Crosswalk from Final Guidance to Existing Guidance (OMB) (PDF)
- United States Chief Financial Officers Council web site
- Part 669, §669.110, of the Federal Register
- GEPA Section 427
- Education Department General Administrative Regulations (EDGAR)
- Progress Report Form (Excel)
- Staffing Breakout Form (Excel)
- Grants Management Application Status
- Advisory Board Guide (PDF)
- Board Orientation Strategies (PDF)
- Advisory Board Charter (PDF)
- Employ Florida
- Glossary of Terms (PDF)
- Amendments Submitted to DOE
- Local Amendments Submitted to Florida Farmworkers Office
- Local Amendment DOE 150 (Word)
- Local Amendment DOE 151 (Excel)